Monday, July 15, 2013

vPanel - Application Framework

vPanel - Application Framework - Admin Templates Site Templates

vPanel is an application framework with all the necessary features and tools you would need to build an admin panel or a software-as-a-service app. It comes with an html template version, so you can use it with other frameworks, and a zend framework ready version.


This really is one of the best admin themes going
Full stars for the following:

  1. Clear layout
  2. Good documentation throughout
  3. great attention to detail (e.g. checking confirmation and password fields match out-of-the-box)

Excellent work and well worth the money – Alex

Really great work!

I was looking for a good design for my almost finished Zend Application, and this is really looking awesome! Also it saved me from ALOT of work!

I had actually been postponing adding a design to my application, just because its such a boring and slow process transforming templates into Layouts and Views etc. Luckily you did it all for me All Zend developers should really take a look at this!

Thanks alot! – Daniel


  • jQuery UI Framework Icons PSD
  • Sidebar Icons PSD
  • Mockup Kit PSD
  • 5 PSD Backgrounds
  • 50 Theme Combinations
  • Pure HTML Template Version
  • Zend Framework Application Template Version with Authentication Plugin


  • HTML5 /CSS3 design
  • Drag and Drop Widgets
  • Remembers new widget arrangement
  • Table sorting, pagination and filtering
  • Collapsible Side Menu (Remembers collapsed/expanded state)
  • Tooltips
  • Built-in theme manager
  • Multiple Action Buttons
  • Themed form elements
  • 50 Theme combinations to choose from
  • Animated Sortable Contacts using jQuery Isotopes
  • File manager
  • Full-sized, drag and drop calendar
  • Apple Style Slider
  • TinyMCE
  • Forms validation
  • Simple Pricing Table
  • Search Autocomplete

Fonts Used

  • Yanone Kaffeesatz
  • PT Serif Caption

NOTE : There is no plan of supporting IE6 and IE7 EVER
P.S. Like all other admin templates on themeforest, this is just a template / starter kit, not a full pledged application. Do not expect it to be able to create users and groups, that is up to you to code. Cheers!

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