Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Amanda Responsive Admin Template

Amanda Responsive Admin Template - Admin Templates Site Templates

Amanda Responsive Admin Template is a new admin template with many features, plugins and custom elements that you can use fo your backend projects. This template has built-in theme switcher that you can change anytime you want. This template is very useful for any type of application whether for desktop or mobile devices. It has addon pages that you can use for your in house activity like blog, newsfeed, productlist and photo/video sharing.

If you found any bugs, strange looks, errors or have any suggestions, don’t hesitate to let me know, no guarantees but I will do my best to fix those issues as soon as possible. Enjoy!


  • Added: Invoice Page
  • Added: Fixed Version Layout

List of features

  • Responsive Layout
  • Built using HTML5 , CSS3 and Javascript
  • 25 jQuery Plugins
    • Flot Chart (line, bars, pie)
    • Calendar
    • DataTables
    • Form Validation
    • DatePicker, ColorPicker, Slider, Alerts, etc.
  • Collapsible Menu with 2 styles
  • Very Sleek TinyMCE WYSIWYG Editor
  • Very Sleek File Manager ready for integration
  • Form Elements (2 Form Styles, Dual Box, Validation, Wizard)
  • Interface Elements (80 sets of Buttons & Icons, Notifications, Slider, Color Picker, Progress, etc.)
  • Tab Menu (using inline or ajax call)
  • Wizards (3 styled wizard including wizard)
  • Chat Support
  • Style Switcher
  • Add-on Pages
    • Manage Blog with Quick Edit
    • Messages Page
    • News Feeds
    • Blog Pages (list and single view)
    • Profile Page (with Follow button and follower list)
    • Product list
    • Photo/Video Sharing Page
    • Gallery
  • Custom elements and widgets
  • 28 HTML Pages
  • and much more…

Some Cool Features

Sortable List


Profile Page

You can keep track of the activity of your admin’s users by having a profile page with some list of followers, following, blog and project shots

User Drop Menu

Inside the drop box, you can have your profile photo, a theme switcher and some list of links.

File Manager

This template has a unique file manager with some jquery integration.


Another cool features from this template is it use TinyMCE Editor that is most popular wysiwyg editor in the internet right now. The editor converted into a sleek style.

Addon Page: Photo/Video Sharing Page

One of the addon page of this template is the photo/video sharing page. This could be a screenshotsor photos of what’s going on or a video tutorial.

Version Log

  • Version 1.4 – 10/5/2012
    • Added: Fixed Version Layout
    • Fixed: Form Style 2 issue on adding checkbox/radio
  • Version 1.3 – 09/18/2012
    • Fixed: Login page issue on username autocomplete
  • Version 1.2 – 08/23/2012
    • Added: Invoice Page
  • Version 1.1 – 07/31/2012
    • Fixed: Responsive Issue
    • Added: Sortable List (found in elements.html)
    • Added: Enhanced Select form using jQuery Chosen
    • Added: Gallery Page
  • Version 1.0 – Initial Release

Sources & Credits

  • IconSweets – Free Icons by YummyGum
  • IconSweets2 – Even more free icons by YummyGum
  • Diagram Icon set by Double J Design
  • jQuery by John Resig
  • jQuery UI
  • WYSIWYG TinyMCE – by TinyMCE
  • ColorPicker by Stefan Petre
  • FullCalendar v1.5.2 by Adam Shaw
  • jQuery Alert Dialogs Plugin by Cory S.N. LaViska
  • ColorBox v1.3.18
  • Flot Chart
  • jGrowl 1.2.6 by Stan Lemon
  • jQuery Validation by Jörn Zaefferer
  • Bebas Font
  • Smart Wizard by TechLaboratory
  • Character Count Plugin – Alen Grakalic
  • AutoGrow Textarea
  • BxSlider – Steven Wanderski
  • jQuery Cookie Plugin – Klaus Hartl
  • jQuery Slim Scroll – Piotr Rochala
  • Tags Input – Xoxco
  • jQuery Uniform

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