Monday, July 1, 2013

Mustache! - Admin

Mustache! - Admin - Admin Templates Site Templates

Mustache is a nice clean admin template that can be used for any self made backend system.

Mustache! – Admin update 1.2

  • You can now zoom in the responsive layout. (works better on the new ipad)
  • I have add some breadcrumbs.
  • Sidebar buttons are now with a tooltip information bubble to close or show them.
  • There are now the option to make progressbars.
  • Checkbox and selectboxes validation added.
  • Multiple validation forms on one page possible.
  • Multiple modal boxes are possible.
  • The option that boxes are standard closed.
  • I have added a footer to the template.

Mustache! – Admin update 1.1

  • Responsive layout.If you have comments that some things can be better? Let me know by email. (see my profile)
  • Icons with text.
  • plain page.
  • When a box is hide the hiding icon change to a +.


  • 4 colunm option.
  • jQuery powered.
  • big and small icons.
  • A variaty of plugins.
  • Fluid and fixed layout.
  • Sidebar collapse function.
  • Cross-browser compatible.
  • All plugins are nicely styled.
  • Awesome styled form elements.
  • w3 Valid: xHTML 1.0 transitional.

Pages included (10):

  • index.html (login page)
  • dashboard.html
  • forms.html
  • tables.html
  • charts.html
  • uielements.html
  • typography.html
  • gallery.html
  • boxgrid.html
  • icons.html

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