Monday, July 29, 2013

Lagu Admin Premium Template

Lagu Admin Premium Template - Admin Templates Site Templates

Lagu Admin Template

Lagu Admin Template is a full featured admin backend template enriched with many third party components: wysiwyg editor with integrated file explorer, calendar, dynamic and static charts, data tables, step by step wizard, sticky breadcrumbs, tabs, accordions, sortable widgets and many more.


v1.5 (11/01/2012)
  • Head Js Loader fixes
  • Internet Explorer 7/8 fixes
  • Sticky panel plugin updated
  • Minor fixes.

If you want additional plugin/feature just send me a email at or use contact form and I will gladly add your suggestion to Lagu Admin Template.


  • Fluid and Fixed width layout.
  • Sortable data tables.
  • Step by step wizard.
  • File explorer.
  • Custom error pages.
  • Calendar.
  • Dynamic and static charts.
  • Growl-a-like and regular nottifications.
  • Image gallery.
  • Sliding panel.
  • Datepicker.
  • Tooltips.
  • File uploader.
  • 79 icons and 5 ajax loaders.
  • Custom fonts (Google Web Fonts)
  • Sidebar with accordion.
  • ...and many more.


v1.5 (11/01/2012)
  • Head Js Loader fixes
  • Internet Explorer 7/8 fixes
  • Sticky panel plugin updated
  • Minor fixes.
v1.4.1 (28/11/2011)
  • Step by Step Wizzard fixes (errors showing, disable enter/return key submit, fixed tab navigation)
v1.4 (28/11/2011)
  • Step by step wizzard.
  • jQuery calendar.
  • Style switcher.
  • Added funcionality for some elements (Multiple column form, Buttons with images, Login Form Modal Window)
  • Minor fixes.
v1.3 (14/11/2011)
  • Pricing table
  • Help/Faq page
  • CSS , JS fixes
v 1.2 (31/10/2011)
  • Aditional form elements: sliders, multiselect, progres bar, rating, ...
  • Ability to close/hide widgets
v 1.1 (24/10/2011)
  • Contact list slider.
  • Form validation.
  • Form fieldsets.
  • CSS , JS Minor fixes.
v 1.0 (19/10/2011)
  • Initial release.

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