Monday, July 15, 2013

FLAT - Responsive Admin Template

FLAT - Responsive Admin Template - Admin Templates Site Templates

Version 2.0 now live (11.07.2013)

  • Added condensed boxes
  • Added small boxes
  • Added more column filter options and examples
  • Added table column resize
  • Added table grouping
  • Added table pagination when not using dataTables
  • Added daterange input
  • Added spider/radar charts
  • Added username available input form
  • Added option to change sidebar to right side
  • Added new accordion style (widget box style)
  • Added blog pages
  • Added more layout example pages
  • Added language-switch button
  • Fixed bugs with column filter
  • Fixed bug with select2
  • Fixed bug with sidebar
  • And many more bugfixes..
  • Updated font-awesome icons
  • Updated documentation

Custom color CSS generator

You want to use your custom color and not a predefined one? NO PROBLEM – just use this great color generator made for FLAT. You find this awesome tool here:

Simply choose your color and download the generated CSS file. You will be able to use your custom color within a minute!

FLAT – Responsive Admin Template

FLAT is a responsive admin template powered by Twitter Bootstrap 2.3.0 for administration and backend applications. FLAT has a very fast and clean UI and design. It provides a very user-friendly design which results in a great user-experience. FLAT is the admin template you want to use for your next project – your clients will love you for this admin template! Once you bought this template you will be able to download upcoming features / updates for free!


  • Responsive layout
  • Retina support
  • Fixed/Fluid Layout
  • Fixed/Static Topbar
  • Fixed/Static Sidebar
  • HTML5 / CSS3
  • Based on Twitter Bootstrap 2.3.0
  • Tables
    • Supports large tables (dynamically loads data)
    • Scrollable tables
    • Fixed first column table
    • Reorder table columns
    • Show/hide columns
  • Forms
    • Multi file upload
    • WYSIWYG editor
    • Select with search
    • Multiple select
    • Validation
    • Wizard
    • Tags input
    • Datepicker/Timepicker/Colorpicker
    • Spinner
  • Custom pages
    • Messages inbox
    • Chat
    • Invoice
    • Search result page
    • User profile
    • Gallery
    • Login page
    • Locked screen page
  • Calendar with events
  • File management
  • Custom error pages
  • Line/Bar/Pie charts
  • Custom icons & buttons
  • Bootstrap plugins
  • Font icon set
  • Notifications
  • Tooltips & popovers
  • Dynamically editable elememnts (inline)
  • File trees
  • Google Maps
  • Metro UI tiles


Version 2.0 – 11.07.2013
-Added condensed boxes -Added small boxes -Added more column filter options and examples -Added table column resize -Added table grouping -Added table pagination when not using dataTables -Added daterange input -Added spider/radar charts -Added username available input form -Added option to change sidebar to right side -Added new accordion style (widget box style) -Added blog pages -Added language-switch button -Added more layout example pages -Fixed bugs with column filter -Fixed bug with select2 -Fixed bug with sidebar -And many more bugfixes.. -Updated font-awesome icons -Updated documentation
Version 1.9 – 31.05.2013
-Added custom datatable configuration option -Many bugfixes
Version 1.8 – 02.05.2013
-Added 7 predefined layouts -Added Glyphicons Pro Package ($59 value) -Added FAQ page -Added Timeline page -Added password strength input plugin -Fixed many bugs
Version 1.7 – 25.04.2013
-Dynamic table with checkboxes -Page with footer -Mobile button to toggle sidebar -Dynamic gallery positioning (like pinterest) -IE9 Placeholder support -Predefined font-colors
Version 1.6 – 15.04.2013
- Added 19 email templates (newsletter, new products, special offers, different colors) - Added shopping pages (list, detail) - Added pricing tables - Added address book user popup - Added better mobile navigation - Added scrolling for mobile when navigation is too long - Added 16 colors for buttons - Added the feature to open navigation with hover instead of click - Added the sidebar for mobile devices (slide from left to right to show) - Added the feature to sort tasks (drag&drop) - Added autocomplete input in extended forms - Added new elements to documentation - Redesigned user profile page - Fixed MANY bugs
Version 1.5 – 12.04.2013
- Added Sidebar Multi level - Added default hidden Sidebar Menu - Added remember me checkbox for login - Added "All" button to address book - Optimized sidebar scrolling - Fixed bugs
Version 1.4 – 04.04.2013
- Added multi-level navigation (unlimited levels) - Added ToDo/Task list - Added Email Template - Added vertical wizard - Added iCheck plugin (styled checkboxes/radios) - Added select2 plugin - Redesigned horizontal wizard - Redesigned dashboard - Fixed bugs
Version 1.3 – 01.04.2013
- Added Topbar icon notification label - Added Topbar message dropdown - Added more page statistics - Added non-minified style.css - Added non-minified themes.css - Included SASS files - Fixed Bugs - CSS Code improvements - JS Code improvements
Version 1.2 – 29.03.2013
- Added horizontal tags - Added vertical tabs - Added column filter - Added Message-Center - Added Page-Statistics - Added Sidebar widgets - Added scrollable sidebar when sidebar is fixed - Fixed IE table bug - Fixed wizard bug - Fixed other bugs 
Version 1.1 – 26.03.2013
- Added vertical form - Added striped form - Fixed navigation bug - Fixed color-change bug - Fixed inline-scroll bug
Version 1.0 – 23.03.2013
- Initial release

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