Thursday, June 6, 2013


LaunchIt - Under Construction Specialty Pages

LaunchIt is an “Under Construction Template” inspired by Apple’s simple and sleek website. The template is easy to edit and comes with 2 variants, black and white; each of which has 4 colours (blue, pink, green & red).

When you purchase this template you get a 3 for 1 value. You get a Joomla and a WordPress version of the template as bonus.


  • IE6 Browser Check

  • Countdown

  • AjaxForm with Validation

  • Flash Image Rotator

  • Twitter Updates


  • Smashing Magazine – iPhone PSD

  • Kawsone – Dusk Iconset

  • Keith Wood – jQuery Countdown Plugin

  • Jörn Zaefferer – jQuery Validation Plugin

  • Sea of Clouds – jQuery Twitter Plugin



Added a WordPress and Joomla version of template.


Include a working ajax form and bug fix for Cu3er.

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