Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Clean Countdown Timer / Construction Page

Clean Countdown Timer / Construction Page - Under Construction Specialty Pages

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UPDATE September 24th 2010

  • some bugfixes related to the countdown script

UPDATE July 24th 2010

  • some bugfixes

UPDATE April 14th 2010

  • function added to the PHP E -Mail Form!

This is a clean and stylish “coming soon” / “construction” template. It shows days, hours, minutes and seconds left to a specific event. Show your progress trough a progress bar and give the user feedback about the progress made.

The file includes a basic version in six different colors as well as two bonus versions and a shiny version in three different colors.

  • Wood
  • Police

The design fits almost every webpage check out our 6 vibrant colors for the basic version:

  • Blue
  • Red
  • Green
  • Yellow
  • Black
  • Violet

Check out the shiny version:

*Blue *Red *Green

More Info:

  • XHTML 1 .0 Transitional
  • Progress Bar
  • Countdown Timer
  • PHP E -Mail Form
  • Help File
  • Layered PSD included

We used Arial, Helvetica, Lucida Sans Unicode / Lucida Grande and Myriad Pro and Helvetica – all standard fonts – in this file

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