Sunday, June 30, 2013

Video Streaming

Video Streaming - Film & TV Entertainment

Color Schemes Live Previews

  • Grey

This template has 8 pages. It is very simple and easy to add your content. You can also change the default photo easily. New pages can also easily be added. You can easily customise this template to make it suitable according to your requirements.

This template layout also comes with several more features. It allows to easily edit homepage JavaScript, slideshow. All the pages has distinct layout.

  • Pure CSS (table-less) and layouts
  • Fully editable, multi-image JavaScript homepage slideshow
  • Easily editable Main logo graphic PSD file.
  • HTML & Photoshop Home page (PSD) file(s) included.
  • Simple and easy to add or delete pages.

Theme consists of 8 HTML Pages which are the following:

  • Home Page
  • Listing
  • Video Detail
  • Blog
  • Blog Post
  • News
  • Contact
  • Static Page

Broadside - Premium Site Template

Broadside - Premium Site Template - Portfolio Creative

WordPress Version Available

Follow MeEmail Notifications Theme CustomizationsSupport Forum

Show off your work with this easy-to-customize and fully featured Site Template. When purchasing this template, you will receive a detailed help file along with additional options like choosing between Unlimited color schemes and 2 unique live previews.

Theme Features

  • Flexible Templates – view both live previews to see the possibilities
  • Video Documentation with a detailed written help file
  • Unlimited Menu & Logo Background Colors along with the same control over the heading colors
  • Full Screen Background Image
  • Video Support in the featured slider, portfolio, & pages
  • Modify the Height of the site template easily
  • Working PHP Contact Form
  • PHP Template Files Included
  • HTML5 Valid code!

Page Templates

  • Homepage layout
  • About page
  • Services page
  • Typography page
  • Columns layout page
  • Lightbox examples page
  • 4 portfolio layouts
  • Video example page
  • Blog page
  • Contact page with working form
  • Latest News Page (Not shown in live preview)
  • Index page with menu always visible (Not shown in live preview)

Custom Fonts used in template

  • Bebas Neue (free download)

PSD Template Available

Broadside Site Template is an HTML /CSS conversion of the Broadside PSD Template, designed by pezflash with full permissions.

Assets Info

The images used in this preview (not included in the source files) are freely distributed and licensed by: – Many thanks to all authors from this great free source site.

Also the Architect Sample Site used free shared Flickr images from these three photographers:
SwissCan, UggBoy, and Monica Garcia (not included in the source files)

Signup for our e-mail newsletter

Get notified via e-mail when we release new themes! It’s easy – sign up for our e-mail newsletter here

Need Support? Visit our Support Forum

We offer theme support via our support forum. Please post all support questions through our support forum. We reserve the item comments for pre-purchase questions.

Visit the Support Forum here

Saturday, June 29, 2013

The Navigator: Premium HTML Location Guide + Blog

The Navigator: Premium HTML Location Guide + Blog - Miscellaneous Site Templates

The Navigator is ideal for travel blogs and/or location guides. This directory-based theme utilizes Google maps to display exact locations and provide users the ability to interact with the location. This theme could also function as a real estate listings directory or store locator.

WordPress Version Available

What buyers are saying:

“This is amazing!”
- okanc

“Excellent theme. Perfect…”
- DragonX

“This theme is absolutely amazing.. I’m lovin’ it.”
- kaledonder

“Wow. I mean, wow. You outdo yourself every time. Great work on this theme.”
- mochajen

“I simply cannot believe this template. Awe inspiring.”
- squarejack

“Awesome theme, great documentation. Thank you so much!”
- BigTim

“I don’t know of an easier template for the cost. This rocks!”
- RChippa

Example Live Sites:

  • Parks Guide:
  • Book Tour Guide:
  • Mountain Bike Trail Guide:

Want to feature your site here? Send me a link from my profile page!


  • Supports Google custom fonts library
  • Google Maps integration
  • Slideout widget panel
  • Full screen image backgrounds
  • Draggable and collapsible windows
  • Easy logo customization
  • FREE version upgrade if you purchased this theme
  • Advanced jQuery animations and effects


  • v1.2 – 08.10.2011: Fixes reported issue with iPad. Details:
  • v1.1 – 08.03.2011: Fixes reported issue with menu spacing. Details:


\\   My support forums:

THE MOLITOR WordPress Themes

Qreator - Corporate HTML5 template

Qreator - Corporate HTML5 template - Business Corporate

Support ForumsSupport TicketsFollow on ThemeforestFollow on TwitterFollow on Facebook Current version – 1.0.1 (see Changelog)



Qreator is an embodiment of versatile corporate template for any web site creation. Simplicity, from which you can change practically everything in this template, is stunning! Set up color for all elements of the site via CSS. Create your own unique design! All the more so that tools for this abound. 5 preset options for your main page will make your choice so pleasant.

Just pay attention on new, staggering OneByOne slider, which spectacularly presents your products and services. Yeah, nearly piece of art! Don’t forget as well about unique Motion slider, which can be showy located on a full screen. And even more – there are still available four sliders for maximum choice.

Stylishly and qualitatively executed portfolios, 7 variants of the project, a blog with ready variants for WordPress Postformats, 20 + precoded elements (Shortcodes) and working Contact Form will surely make your choice in favor of Qreator fast and easy.

Key Theme Features

  • Unlimited color variations
  • HTML5 Validated
  • OneByOne amazing slider
  • Google webfont directory support (320+ Fonts)
    you can preview fonts here –
  • 5 Homepage layouts
  • 6 Sliders
  • 50 html files
  • Full browsers compatibility (yes, even IE7)
  • Ipad and Iphone compatible

6 Sliders

  • OneByOne Slider by sike
  • Motion Slider
  • Architect Slider
  • Nivo Slider (The Most popular slider)
  • Coin Slider
  • Piecemaker2 3D slider (Very popular 3D slider with video support)
  • Home without slider

Page Heading Templates

  • Standard Heading
  • With text
  • With Icon
  • With Text and Icon


  • Buttons
  • Infoboxes
  • Columns
  • Tooltips
  • Tabs, Toggle and Accordion
  • Site Tour (Cool Feature)
  • Media (HTML5 Video, Youtube, Vimeo, Dailymotion, Screenr, HTML5 Audio, Image Gallery, Image Slideshow)
  • Audio and Video Players (Cool styled jplayer! You can create playlists for audio or video files)
  • Lightboxes
  • Content Sliders (Show your images in content using powerful options of Nivo, Accordion or Anything slider options)
  • Google Maps


  • H1-H6 Tags
  • Dividers
  • Supported Letters
  • Ordered List
  • Picture Frames
  • Big Centered Text
  • Table


  • Sitemap
  • 404 error page (You’ll like it!)
  • Left Sidebar
  • Right Sidebar
  • Full Width

Portfolio & Gallery

  • Sortable Portfolio
  • Portfolio 1-4 Columns
  • Portfolio project: Image slider
  • Portfolio project: Image list
  • Portfolio project: Video
  • Portfolio project: Albums 1-4 columns

Blog variations

  • Blog with sidebar
  • Full Width blog
  • Blog post (With paginator, tag styles, about the author box, popular and latest posts switcher, social sharing)

Contact page with map and ajax validation


12.16.2012 v. 1.0: Release

12.16.2012 Update

  • The style.css update for iPad/iPhone compatibility

02.08.2013 Update

  • Buttons hover effect in ie 9 Fixed: Contact form and contact widget message added.

  • Fixed: Some small bugs

12.16.2013 v. 1.0.1: Update

  • Twitter widget update

Adminity - Premium Admin Interface

Adminity - Premium Admin Interface - Admin Templates Site Templates

Adminity is an attractive, clean and modern administration interface.
Its fluid and adaptive layout enables Adminity to be viewed on screens as narrow as 320px, and its intuitive user interface makes navigating through it a piece of cake.

Main Features

  • Clean, beautiful and modern design
  • Powered by jQuery
  • Fully integrated jQuery UI
  • Plugins for extended functionality
  • Intuitive and user-friendly interface
  • Easy to use customize
  • Semantic and clean HTML5 and CSS3 code
  • Cross-browser compatible
  • Optimized for fast loading
  • Fluid 12 and 16 column grid
  • Adaptive layout
  • Working login system
  • Over 4400 icons in sprite format
  • Unlimited colors
  • Well documented
  • ...and many more!


Adminity has a variety of plugins available, ensuring you have what you need just a jQuery call away.
  • jQuery Flot
  • DataTables
  • Full Calendar
  • Syntax Highlighter
  • Colorpicker
  • elFinder File Manager
  • Lightbox
  • Preload Spinner
  • TipTip Tooltip
  • Sticky Notifications
  • iPhone style checkboxes
  • jQuery Validate
  • NicEdit WYSIWYG Text Editor (new in v1.1)

Update v1.2 – 02.04.2012

Adminity has been updated to version 1.2. Here’s what’s changed:
  • Improved Login page
    • Made it responsive
    • Optimized image usage
    • Fixed small bugs
  • Added working PHP login system
  • Added layered PSD files for the gradient overlays and login sprite

Update v1.1

Adminity has been updated to version 1.1. Here’s what’s changed:
  • Added WYSIWYG Text Editor (on Typography page)
  • Reorganized the widgets page (forms and inputs now on Dashboard page)
  • Progress bar is no longer animated, Widgets page is smoother
  • Many small spacing adjustments (it’s the little things)
  • Added vendor specific styles to increase cross-browser consistency
  • Added 16 additional navigation icons, and a Photoshop action to save any icon as a nav icon with normal and active states


Adminity’s core functionality code is written by hand and is included in the global.js file. Adminity also uses third-party plugins to offer a variety of features. All plugins are listed in the Assets section of the documentation and copyright goes out to their respective authors.


The documentation included should answer most questions, but I am happy to help you with any other support questions, feedback or suggestions you may have.

The icons used in the preview image are from the IconSweets 2 icon pack by YummyGum.

Friday, June 28, 2013

Levitation - Business & Portfolio - 4 in 1

Levitation - Business & Portfolio - 4 in 1 - Portfolio Creative


Levitation is a HTML Template, best suited for Business and Portfolio sites. It comes with 4 skins:
levitation light – (alternate frontpage)
levitation dark – (alternate frontpage)
levitation grey – (alternate frontpage)
levitation tan – (alternate frontpage)

Attention, this is an HTML Template
You can find the wordpress Version here

Key features of the template:
  • Valid XHTM Strict1.0 and CSS 2 .1, tableless Design
  • 7 Template files:
    • Index Page
    • Alternate Index Page
    • Static Page
    • Blog Overview Page
    • Blog/Portfolio Single Page
    • Portfolio Overview
    • Contact Page
  • jQuery Support:
    • 2 different Portfolio/Item slider, supporting unlimited items
    • Dropdwon Menu, improved with jQuery
    • jQuery 100% unobtrusive wich degrades gracefully if javascript is turned off
    • Gallery Page with lightbox
    • Working ajax/php contact form
  • Font Replacement for headlines with cufon
  • Blog page pulls latest twitter feed
  • All PSD files I used are included for easier modification
  • Documentation Included

Like this template? Check out my other workpieces:
Levitation Wordpress Business & Portfolio - 4 in 1 - ThemeForest Item for Sale Twicet Business & Portfolio - Wordpress - 5 in 1 - ThemeForest Item for Sale Amplify - 5 in 1 Portfolio Theme - ThemeForest Item for Sale 71792 71792 60344 49485 49485 45020 55093

\\Levitation - Business & Portfolio - 4 in 1 - ThemeForest Item for Sale Risingstar 4 in 1 - Business & Portfolio Theme - ThemeForest Item for Sale Twicet Business & Portfolio Template - 5 in 1 - ThemeForest Item for Sale Flexy - liquid admin skin - 7 in 1 - ThemeForest Item for Sale 53143 76110

PSD Files:

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