Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Core Admin

Core Admin - Admin Templates Site Templates

Core admin is a backend template designed to be easy to use, flexible and easily customisable


  • Easy to understand code

  • Semantic code

  • Liquid layout (full width using %)

  • Advanced form inputs (range,iphone checkbox, datepicker, wysiwyg)

  • Tabs

  • Notifications

  • Easy to use Charts

  • Calendar

  • Source code commented

  • Documented


If you need technical support use the comments section



  • Minor CSS bug fixes

  • New gallery template

  • New tabs code, the new code uses jQuery.cookie to remember what tab was opened

  • Minified CSS and Minified Javascript is now include, no need to include 200 scripts anymore

  • Infinite sublevel for left sidebar (thanks @sscowden for suggestion)


  • Fixed path for CSS and Javascript files on HTML demos

  • Charts script updated, you can now add tooltips using ‘tips’ class on table


  • Completely reworked substyles system, you have now 3 sidebars styles, 2 body styles and 3 bloc styles. Wood styles completely reworked.

  • Added icons so you don’t have to look for icons

  • Added galllery system

  • Settings pannel added on the demo so you can test substyles easily

  • Modal style added, so you can open subpages within modal boxes

  • Fixed a bug on page that didn’t have title


  • Fixed a bug on menu links with submenu

  • Added some styles on datepicker (now “today” and “current day” have different style)

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